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Deploying Console

Getting Console deployed is very similar to running Console. Go ahead and follow that guide up to Run it!.


Auth0 requires being run over https. You can get a certificate on your server through Let's Encrypt by following this certbot guide.

"My HTTP website is running 'Web Hosting Product' on 'Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (bionic)'" Was used when writing this guide. Follow the steps, and note where your certificates are placed, they'll be used later in nginx.


Grab the server docker-compose file

cp templates/docker-compose-quay.yaml docker-compose.yaml

This docker-compose offers an nginx container to proxy traffic through.

If letsencrypt put your certificate in a place other than /etc/letsencrypt/, be sure to update the volumes for the nginx container in docker-compose.yaml.


Copy the nxinx config

cp templates/nginx-default.conf nginx.conf

Edit nginx.conf and fill in your certificates name.

Run It!

docker-compose up builds Console and launches it with three other containers: Router, Postgres, and Nginx. You might see helium_router crash a few times as it waits for helium_console to start up and allow the socket connection between the two.

If you go to your host name, you should have an auth0 login available to you. Just as a heads up, all of your important data is in the data in this console directory.