Paxcounter (ESP32 Board)
Paxcounter is a ESP32 based device to meter pax flows in realtime
- Heltec: LoRa-32 v1 and v2
- TTGO: Paxcounter-Board*,
- T1*
- T2*
- T3*
- T-Beam
- T-Fox
- Pycom
- LoPy
- LoPy4
- FiPy
- ECO Power Board
- WeMos: LoLin32 + LoraNode32 shield, LoLin32lite + LoraNode32-Lite shield
- Adafruit ESP32 Feather + LoRa Wing + OLED Wing, #IoT Octopus32 (Octopus + ESP32 Feather)
- M5Stack: Basic Core IoT* + Lora Module RA-01H, Fire IoT*
* supports microSD-card
Depending on board hardware following features are supported:
- LoRaWAN communication, supporting various payload formats (see enclosed .js converters)
- MQTT communication via TCP/IP and Ethernet interface (note: payload transmitted over MQTT will be base64 encoded)
- SPI serial communication to a local host
- LED (shows power & status)
- OLED Display (shows detailed status)
- RGB LED (shows colorized status)
- Button (short press: flip display page / long press: send alarm message)
- Battery voltage monitoring (analog read / AXP192 / IP5306)
- GPS (Generic serial NMEA, or Quectel L76 I2C)
- Environmental sensors (Bosch BMP180/BME280/BME680 I2C; SDS011 serial)
- Real Time Clock (Maxim DS3231 I2C)
- IF482 (serial) and DCF77 (gpio) time telegram generator
- Switch external power/battery
- LED Matrix display (similar to this 64x16 model, can be ordered on Aliexpress
- SD-card for logging pax data